4K Dallas Timelapse Video Production
DTX Media offers long-term, short-term, UHD 4k time-lapse photography and video in Dallas, Texas. Time-lapses are videos that have been sped up / warped to show progress over a long period of time in a nice short video, which is often made of still photography images at 30 or 24fps. We can deliver time-lapses at different speeds over the course of a sunset, over a few days, weeks, or even months. We’re able to remove flicker and smooth out time-lapses along with stabilizing for wind corrections. We can even add additional camera angles to really create a video production. Our newest feature is a motion slider time-lapse! In addition to our time-lapse service, we offer full video production. All our time-lapse videos are shot in 4k UHD resolution.
DTX Media – Time-Lapse Reel 2019
Indoor Time-Lapse
The above time-lapse sample is from a trade show event in Dallas Texas lasting over a the course of 3 days. We were able to mount the camera in the rafters and capture both the install, and the activity inside the booth. With indoor time lapses, we need a power supply and a location where the camera will not be tampered with. In addition to our time-lapse service, DTX Media also offers event photography and video.
Outdoor Time-Lapse
The above time-lapse is a long-term outdoor / exterior construction of a Jimmy Johns in the Dallas / Fort Worth area over a 5-month period. Our outdoor systems, which utilize the quality from dSLR cameras, are Waterproof and Solar Powered! Our system is completely self-sustaining, though we’ll usually check on it and/or change out the memory cards periodically. This particular time-lapse was mounted on top of our optional 30ft pole to better capture the entire area and keep it free from tampering.
Interior Mounting – Clamp

Mounting inside is relatively easy compared to the exterior since we do not need to worry about the weather elements. We simply need something that is 1/8th inch – 2 inches wide to mount to. Almost any facility will have rafters, columns or etc that will work. The location of the camera does need to be secure from theft and relatively tamper-proof. The most important thing we’ll need is a power supply. In many cases, an extension cord will do the trick, but it needs to remain in an undisturbed outlet. The good news is that with our set-up, if the cord does come unplugged, so long as it’s replugged, the camera will automatically start working again. On location, we will need access to a lift to be able to mount the camera.
Exterior Mounting – Pole or Roof

Our waterproof unit can be mounted outside on a roof or just about any secure structure. While power is always a nice thing to have when possible, our solar panel and internal battery packs make power unnecessary. Sometimes job sites do not have a place to mount, or other times, the angle of the camera needs to be very specific. In those cases, we have a 30-foot pole that we can mount the camera on. The base is buried, so the pole runs flush into the ground. The pole can be installed just about anywhere there is dirt or grass. The elevation from the pole gives us a better view of the job site as a whole and also makes the camera very theft and tamper resistant. We run a USB cable down the pole so we can access the camera settings and data without the need of a lift. In most cases, the pole is removed after the project is complete.
Remote Monitoring
Our indoor and outdoor long term units are equipped to remotely upload the photos taken to our server each day. This allows us to essentially remotely monitor the time-lapse and make sure it’s performing correctly. We can deliver time-lapses from each month showing the progress of your project. Our remote features allow us to set up anywhere in Texas, Oklahoma, or surrounding areas and edit from our Dallas, TX location. With remote monitoring, we highly prefer using the client’s internet wi-fi connection and power supply for increased reliability, but we can use our own mobile connection and solar power if necessary.
The above photo shows our time-lapse unit installed to retractable lighting. Our most common mounting place is on top of roofs. Anytime we mount a camera, we will need a secure and tamper-free location. In some circumstances, we can use a 30ft pole for an additional fee. If mounting the camera inside, we need a power supply, but with exteriors we can use solar power if needed
Time-Lapse Pricing
Long Term Time-Lapse Installation:
$2000 / camera — Interior Camera Install and Set-up (requires reliable power)
$5500 / camera — Exterior Camera Install and Set-up (solar powered and waterproof)
Monthly Monitoring and Maintenance: (Required)
$500 / visit — Monitoring
$100 / additional camera – Each Visit
**Client must provide lift access to camera location
Optional Add-ons:
$100 /h — Editing hourly rate (Cut downtime, multiple angles, add music, logos, text, etc)
$6000 — Camera Mounting Pole (up to 30′, includes install)
Travel — Contact us — Serving all of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Louisiana
Short Term Time-lapse:
$1500 — Videographer Day Rate(up to 8 hours on site including set-up)
$900 — Videographer Half Day Rate (up to 4 hours on site including set-up)
$350 — Additional Cameras (short term only)